Live training for cooks and bakers
Thursday, November 9, 2023
12:00 NOON EST - 2:30 PM EST
Recipe Development
Learn how to document what you cook and bake every day so that you have a set of notes to guide your recipe writing
Recipe Writing
Learn about recipe style, parts of a recipe, and copyright laws to ensure that written recipes are unique and belongs to you
Recipe Testing
Learn why recipes need to be tested, what recipe testing means, and how to set up a system for recipe testing so that your recipes produce good results
Recipe Copyright
Learn about recipe copyright law and how the law effects list of ingredients and an expression of a procedure or recipe
Simple and Relaxed
Recipe writing shouldn't be complicated, and learning about recipe writing shouldn't be intimidating. That's why I designed this learning experience to help you take what you love to cook and turn it into a recipe that uniquely belongs to you.
Learn In a Workshop
With a condensed training session, you can come learn while you get your questions answered LIVE. Let's go from unsure about writing original recipes to clearer about recipe copyright laws and using your voice to write recipes your audience loves.
Maggie Green
Cookbook author and coach Maggie Green lives a life that revolves around her kitchen, writing, and coaching. only knows exactly what it takes to cook every day, but how to turn everyday meals into cookbook ideas publishers love. She is the author of four cookbooks, former editor for the Joy of Cooking, and coaches cooks and bakers who want to get their cookbooks written and published.